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Mental Wellness & Resiliency: Meditation

The Learning Portal

The Learning Portal

Health & Wellness Hub: This hub will help you develop strategies to improve your overall well-being.

Featured Collection

The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook : A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive
Daily Meditations for Calming Your Angry Mind : Mindfulness Practices to Free Yourself From Anger
The Art and Skill of Buddhist Meditation : Mindfulness, Concentration, and Insight
Anxiety Happens : 52 Ways to Find Peace of Mind
From Mindfulness to Heartfulness : Transforming Self and Society with Compassion
Don't Feed the Monkey Mind : How to Stop the Cycle of Anxiety, Fear, and Worry
Conquest of Mind : Take Charge of Your Thoughts and Reshape Your Life Through Meditation
A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook
The Awakened Introvert : Practical Mindfulness Skills to Help You Maximize Your Strengths and Thrive in a Loud and Crazy World

What is Meditation?

The Meaning of Mind and Meditation

Before asking yourself what is meditation? You might want to understand what meditation isn’t. It isn’t about zoning out, or having earth-shattering experiences, or even controlling the mind. Meditation, as a spiritual practice, is more about working with the mind and training in awareness. Simply working with the mind leads to an improved sense of presence, calm, attentiveness, and an increase in valued human qualities such as empathy and patience.

A lot of things in life are beyond our control, but it’s quite possible to have greater control over our actions and how we respond to the situations we find ourselves in. To do this, we need to cultivate awareness of how the mind works and the ability to maintain focus. And nothing cultivates awareness better than meditation does.

Read more from MindWorks

Meditation Toolbox

Meditation Apps (caution, not all are free resources):

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