Book an appointment with a Library Technologist: for help with research, citations, evaluating sources and more!
For those who are new to citations, we will lay the foundation for successful citation-building. Understand the use of in-text citations, identify different source formats and the parts of a citation, and practice using a citation guide to build basic citations.
Feel free to bring some examples you would like to work on!
Workshop Dates
How to Use the APA Guide (2:53
Workshop Activities:
Website Authors Examples:
Specific Page on Group Author Site
Individual author posting on a Group Author Site
Activity #4
a) Book
b) Article
c) Website #1
d) Website #2
Cite your articles confidently and correctly!
Journal articles, web articles, journal articles on the web – learn how to distinguish these source types, choose the right citation template, and include the right information. Lots of hands-on practice. Feel free to bring your own examples.
Workshop Dates
At Fleming, Plagiarism is a serious breach of Academic Integrity. Understand the various forms of plagiarism, Fleming’s policy on plagiarism, and learn effective strategies to avoid plagiarizing.
Workshop Dates
ILC Avoiding Plagiarism Worksheet
Academic Integrity: Plagiarism (Fleming Library Guide)
Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy 5-506; Sec 2.5
Fleming Academic Integrity Policy & Procedures
The Plagiarism Spectrum (TurnItIn)
Plagiarism Quiz (TurnItIn)
Using Turnitin Self-Directed(Fleming Library Guide)
Fleming Tutoring & Academic Skills: Writing Drop-ins
Fleming Learning Strategies: Time Management & Organization
Information is everywhere… BUT… is it right for your research paper? Discover how to look critically at information sources, especially websites, to ensure the information is credible, appropriate, accurate, free of bias, etc.
Workshop Dates
Find articles using our single Search-All feature. Learn how to choose effective keywords, narrow your results by subject, date, or geography and access full-text articles.
Workshop Dates
ILC Finding Articles Worksheet
Related Library Tutorials:
Turnitin is an online tool used by some instructors to assess for plagiarism in student assignments, but did you know that you can use Turnitin to self-assess your work before handing it in? In this workshop, we'll demonstrate how to set up an account, submit your work, and how to understand the feedback report and use it to avoid plagiarism.
Workshop Dates
There are no Resources for this workshop.
Learn tips and tricks for successful presentations including ways to manage presentation anxiety, best practices for PowerPoint, and more.
Workshop Dates
There are no Resources for this workshop.
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 8:00pm
Saturday: 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Sunday: Closed
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 8:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 7:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Sunday: Closed