There are several copyright issues relevant to the development and use of GenAI tools. How the training data if gathered, whether it includes copyright-protected material, and whether permission of a license from the rights holder has been acquired, or needs to be acquired, are all important considerations.
Using substantial portions of copyright-protected works as your inputs or as certain types of outputs with GenAI tools may also have copyright implications.
As AI is a quickly evolving sector, the legal implications are not certain at this time. We will endeavour to update this section as new policies, regulations and case law comes forward.
Areas to Consider
If you are considering the use of Gen AI, then the following items should be contemplated:
No. The database licensing held by the college generally does not permit the use of license materials in this way. While some licensing contracts may differ slightly, most agreements do not allow for the uploading of protected works to third-party platforms, including Gen AI tools.
With Creative Commons materials it will depend on the situation. The Creative Commons' FAQs on AI and CC Licenses notes that "if someone uses a CC-licensed work with any new or developing technology, and if copyright permission is required, then the CC license allows that use without the need to seek permission from the copyright owner so long as the license conditions are respected."
Need further assistance?
Contact Marcia Steeves, Academic Integrity and Copyright Officer at
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