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Student Learning Supports: Tutoring

Sutherland Tutoring

DROP-IN session is for all students currently registered in this course to ask the tutor any questions related to material presented in any classes to date. Please connect only during the date/time posted. Participation in this tutorial does not count toward the 2 hours per week of tutoring per student. This is an open hour for students to drop in for any length of time needed and there may be other students in the drop in room. Some drop-in session are available in-person and others online.  Please check the schedule below for the delivery method.

Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Program 

The PASS Program, modeled after an academic support program created at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, is a non-remedial approach to learning that supports students toward academic success by integrating what to learn with how to learn.   

PASS sessions are study groups that take place in a supportive environment facilitated by trained peer leaders. PASS sessions can help students better understand difficult material, improve grades, and develop confidence through teamwork and group study. The study groups meet weekly at the same time, day, and location with the same PASS Leader running the group.  

Anatomy & Physiology I PASS Session

 In person: Tutoring & Academic Skills Centre, Room C1203.1 (beside the library)

 Fridays: 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Writing & Communications

 In person: Tutoring & Academic Skills Centre, Room C1203.3 (beside the library)

 Thursdays: 9:00am - 12:00pm

 Fridays: 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Graphic Design


 Tuesdays: 4:00pm to 7:00pm

 Thursdays: 4:00pm to 7:00pm 


In-person: Tutoring & Academic Skills Centre, Room C1203.1 (beside the library)

 Thursdays: 9:00am - 11:00am

 Thursdays: 3:00pm - 4:00pm


In person: Tutoring & Academic Skills Centre, Room C1203.5 (beside the library)

 Wednesdays: 10:00am to 11:00am

Scripting Fundamentals COMP86

In-person: Tutoring & Academic Skills Centre, Room C1203.4 (beside the library)

 Fridays: 11:00am - 1:00pm

Trade Calculations

 In person: Tutoring & Academic Skills Centre, Room C1203.5 (beside the library)

 Coming Soon!

Tutoring Coordinator

Online: -  click on "Notify Host" button

Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 3:00pm

In-Person Room C1203.3

Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 3:00pm


  • Any student can book up to two hours of tutoring a week.
  • Appointments must be booked at least 48 hours in advance and can be made up two weeks in advance.

Please note: The Tutoring and Learning Skills Centre requires 24 hours' notice when cancelling a tutoring appointment. If you miss an appointment or cancel without sufficient notice, you may jeopardize your eligibility to continue receiving these services.


  1. Log in using your Fleming login credentials.
  2. Complete the registration form and click on the create account button.
  3. Follow the instructions below to book an appointment.


  1. Enter your log in information using your Fleming login credentials.
  2. Select the week for which you would like to make an appointment. You can navigate to different weeks by clicking the options at the top of the screen.
  3. Select the course using the drop-down box under "Display Options" found at the top right-hand side of the schedule.
  4. Select an appointment time by clicking on a WHITE square at your preferred time.  An appointment booking window will open.
  5. Identify the topic(s) you would like to cover in the session.
  6. Save the appointment by clicking the “Save Appointment” button and closing the window.

Please Note: If you cannot find available appointment times that fit your schedule for Tutoring, please contact the Tutoring and Academic Skills Centre Coordinator, 

Please be aware that there are many other supports available to support your academic success such as Math, and Writing Help, as well as Learning Strategies drop-in sessions. For more information see the Drop-in schedule available for your campus.

Kathleen Conway

Coordinator, Tutoring & Academic Skills Centre

Sutherland Campus Room C1203.2

Phone: 705.749.5530 ext. 1607

Toll free: 1.866.353.6464 ext. 1607



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