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Government Documents

Crown Copyright

Crown copyright protects literay, artisitc, dramatic and musical works as well as sound recordings, performances by performers, and communication signals that have been created under the direction and control of the Government of Canada.

Using Crown Copyright-Protected Works

  • Permission is always required when the work is being revised, adapted, or translated regardless if the purpose of the reproduction is for personal, commerical, public non-commercial distribution, or for cost-recovery purposes.
  • Permission to reproduce a work, in part or in whole, and by any means, for personal or public non-commerical purposes, or for cost-recovery purposes, is not required, unless otherwise specified in the material you wish to reproduce, provided you:
    • Ensure accuracy of the reproduction.
    • List the complete title or the work and author organization.
    • Indicate that the reproduction is a copy of an official work that is published by the Government of Canada and that the reproduction has not been produced in affiliation with, or with the endorsement of the Government of Canada

Source: Canadian Heritage Website, Government of Canada, May 5, 2014

Queen's Printer for Ontario

The Queen's Printer for Ontario holds copyright in Ontario statutes, regulations and judicial decisions. The Queen's Printer permits any person to reproduce the text and images contained in the statutes, regulations and judicial decisions without seeking permission and without charge. The legal materials must be reproduced accurately, and Crown copyright in the legal materials must be acknowledged in the following form:

© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 20__.*

*The year of first publication of the legal materials is to be completed.

The Legislation Act, 2006 sets out which copies of Ontario statutes and regulations are official copies of the law. Reproductions of statutes and regulations that are not official copies under that Act must state that they are not official versions. Reproductions of judicial decisions must state that they are not official versions.

Source: Ontario Government Website, March 14, 2016


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