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Academic Integrity

Restorative Resolutions

Restorative Resolution can be defined as "any number of restorative processes involving the affected parties, including representatives of the community, in reaching a resolution that repairs any negative impact caused and rebuilds trust between the responsible party, the affected parties, and the community" (MacEwan University, 2023).

Faculty engage in a variety of restorative conversations with students throughout their time at the college. Fleming College supports the use of restorative resolutions where an academic integrity violation has occurred that has affected others (student(s) and/or faculty). The policy and procedure provide support to faculty to assist in a restorative resolution where the following conditions are met:

  • both the party (or parties) harmed, and the student must voluntarily agree to fully participate; and,
  • the Academic Chair is satisfied that proceedings will not risk further harm to participants; and,
  • the student has indicated acceptance of responsibility for their actions; and,
  • the student shows a willingness to reflect on their actions and repair harms.

Where these conditions are met, the faculty filing a violation can select "Candidate for Restorative Resolution Process" on the violation form or initiate the process by emailed A student may also request a restorative resolution by emailing

The recording of the violation will be placed on hold until the outcome of the process is determined.

Students who have previously engaged in a restorative resolution for academic integrity violations may be denied the opportunity to engage in future restorative resolution processes at the discretion of the Academic Chair.

What will the Restorative Resolution process look like?

Once a request a faculty or student has initiated the restorative resolution process, the following will take place:

  1. Academic Integrity staff will reach out to all parties and obtain written voluntary consent.
  2. Academic Integrity staff will identified trained staff and/or faculty to facilitate the restorative process.
  3. The assigned facilitator will meet individually with participants in preparation for a restorative meeting.
  4. The assigned facilitator will support participants in conducting a restorative meeting to allow for reflection and discussion of the violation, harms caused, and steps to repair harm.
  5. Where agreement on next steps is met during the process, it will be noted if this agreement is done in lieu of, or in conjunction with formal sanctions for the violation.
  6. Where it has been decided that the violation requires formal documentation and/or sanctions, the Academic Integrity staff will inform the records office. Where no violation is to be recorded, a note will be placed on the student record to note that they have taken part in a restorative process.

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