From The Sage Dictionary of Cultural Studies
A generic name given to anti-essentialist theories that stress the culturally and historically specific creation of meaningful categories and phenomena.
From The Concise Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science
In traditional philosophy, the commodity that goes by the name of knowledge, whether based on information conveyed by the senses or on insights of intuitive reason, is always expected to represent an external reality in some way analogous to the way pictures represent what they are supposed to depict.
From Business: The Ultimate Resource
A model that views learning as a cyclical process in four stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation.
From The Edinburgh International Encyclopaedia of Psychoanalysis
The cardinal principle of phenomenology, the concept of intentionality originated with the Scholastics in the medieval period and was resurrected by Brentano in the nineteenth century.
From Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Political Thought
The requirement in an agreement that each party do something to or for the other. Absence of mutuality makes an agreement unenforceable at law, so that a contract ‘without consideration’ is nugatory.
From Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science
heories of situated cognition maintain that intelligent human action has evolved within and is shaped by and adapted to the specific forms of activity within which it occurs, and that cognition must therefore be understood and studied as an aspect of embodied practical activity.
Jerome Bruner's contributions can be anchored in three concepts which are concerned with how we learn to mean and to understand others’ meanings. These are intentionality, thinking and culture.
Dewey’s belief that the method of enquiry, the scientific method, should be applied to practical problems lent philosophical support to the rise and the vogue of the social sciences.
Lev Semeonovich Vygotsky grew up in Gomel, near Belarus's borders with Russia and with the Ukraine. His early life and education were those of a well-to-do Jewish family of the time.