Alternative type of American public school that, while paid for by taxes, is independent of the public-school system and relatively free from state and local regulations.
From The Columbia Encyclopedia
Public institution of higher education. Community colleges are characterized by a two-year curriculum that leads to either the associate degree or transfer to a four-year college.
From The Columbia Encyclopedia
Friedrich Froebel designed (1837) the kindergarten to provide an educational situation less formal than that of the elementary school but one in which children's creative play instincts would be organized constructively.
A collection of books or other written or printed materials, as well as the facility in which they are housed and the institution that is responsible for their maintenance.
From Dictionary of World Philosophy
Literally meaning a “place of study,” this term designated a school of higher study in the Islamic world. Its higher-study ranking presupposed that its students had memorized the entire Quran.
Term commonly referring to institutions of pre-college formal education. It also properly includes colleges, universities, and many types of special training establishments.
Institution for instruction in religion and morals, usually conducted in churches as part of the church organization but sometimes maintained by other religious or philanthropic bodies.