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Citation Styles: CSE

Welcome to CSE Citations!

The Name-Year style of CSE is used primarily by the Biotechnology program at Fleming College.


In the Name-Year style, sources are cited in the text by the author(s) last name(s) and the date of publication.  If there are more than two authors, the first author's name is listed followed by et al. in the text. 

The Reference page at the end of the paper must be titled "References".  Sources used in the paper are listed in alphabetical order by the first author's last name.  List up to 10 authors.  If there are 11 or more authors, list the first 10 followed by et al.  

The Required Elements of a CSE citation include:

Author(s), Publication date, Title, Place of Publication and Publisher

While it is not mandatory to include additional sources not used in the paper, those sources can be listed under the heading "Additional References".  This section appears after the References section.

Featured Books

CSE Citation Generators

About Citation Generators:

Some citation guides provide links to free online citation generators.  There are also citation generators built into MS Word and the Library databases.  These tools can save you time and frustration, but you must remember to check the citations against your Style Guide for accuracy.  Pay close attention to personal names, dates, capitalization, use of italics and indenting.  You will likely need to edit your reference list for compliance.

The following are online tools designed to create your formatted bibliography or reference list.

In-Text Citation

In Text Citation format:

(Author's Last Name Year of Publication)


Paraphrase citation: (Laurel 2000)
Quote citation: (Laurel 2000, p. 56)

Incorporate into the sentence:

Laurel (2000) studied differing forms of comedy before formalizing slapstick comedy as their performance style.

In Text Citation format:

(First Author's Last Name and Second Author's Last Name Year of Publication)


Paraphrase citation: (Laurel and Hardy, 2010)
Quote citation: (Laurel and Hardy, 2010, p. 18)

Incorporate into the sentence:

Laurel and Hardy (2000) disproved the common perceptions of that era by demonstrating effective use of slapstick comedy.

In Text Citation format:

(First Author's Last Name et al. Year of Publication)


Paraphrase citation: (Charles et al. 2019)                                                                 
Quote citation: (Charles et al. 2019, p. 5)                                                                                    

In Text Citation format:

(Name of Organization/Company Year of Publication)


CSE accepts the following variations for Corporations/Organization Author in-text citations:

1. Full Organization Name

This style is used when there are only a few in-text citations used within the paper.

Paraphrase citation: (Institute of Medicine 2005)                                                                 
Quote citation: (Institute of Medicine 2005, p. 5)                                                                      

2. Abbreviation of Organization's Name

If an Organization or Corporation is known by an abbreviation, it is acceptable to use it in place of the full name.

Paraphrase citation: (IOM 2005)                                                              
Quote citation: (IOM 2005, p. 5)                                                                                                     


In Text Citation formats:

1. Citing a complete website

(Name homepage Year of Publication)


Paraphrase citation: (Canadian Association for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2005)                                                                 
Quote citation: (Canadian Association for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2005, para. 5)                                          

2. Citing a portion or section of a website with a separate Author:

When citing only a portion or section of a website that was written by an author(s) different from the author of the website use the following:

(Author's Last Name  Year of Portion or Section)


(Jones 2019)


3. Citing a portion or section of a website with no identified Author:

When citing only a portion or section of a website that does not identify a separate author, use the name of website's homepage.

(Author's Last Name  Year of Portion or Section)


(Jones 2019)


In Text Citation format:

(Author's Last Name Year of Publication)

* In-text citations do not require (Ed.) or (Eds.). 


Follow the same in-text structure for Authors as required based on the number of Editors

Paraphrase citation: (Jacobs 2017)                                                          
Quote citation: (Jacobs 2017, p. 205)                

When the Author or Editor cannot be located, use the beginning of the title followed by an ellipsis (...)

In Text Citation format:

(Start of title... Year of Publication)

* If there are more than one title that begins with the same words, use as many words of the title to distinguish it from the other title.


Paraphrase citation: (Handbook ... 2017)                                                          
Quote citation: (Handbook ... 2017, p. 205)                

Note: Do not use "Anonymous" 

(Mardis 2013a)

(Mardis 2013b)

Works are ordered by date of publication - earliest to latest and given an alphabetical designation.

If the sequence cannot be determined, place in alphabetical order by title of the work.


Authors: End Reference

  Format Example
1 Author Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names Year. Jones KT 2011.
2 Authors First Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Second Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names Year. Carson J, Bluff RG 2019.

3-10 Authors

List all authors followed by the Year of Publication

First Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Second Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Third Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Fourth Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Fifth Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Sixth Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Seventh Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Eighth Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Ninth Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Tenth Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names Year. Mardis LM, Johnson CJ, Meldrum JS, Bondreau F, Ury, CH, Verdick TA, Tate K, Drew MW, Washington KM, Smith JL. 2012.

More than 10 Authors

List the first 10 authors followed by et al.

First Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Second Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Third Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Fourth Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Fifth Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Sixth Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Seventh Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Eighth Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Ninth Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, Tenth Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Names, et al. Year. Park KS, Kimmel YS, Kim JH, Choi BK, Kane SH, Oh ST, Ahn YR, Lee AM, Lee MT, Park JB, et al. 2018.
Corporate or Organization

Organization Name Year.


[Acronym of Organization, if used] Organization Name Year.



  • If the in-text citation only uses the full organizational name, do not include the acronym in square brackets in the reference citation.
  • Drop "The" in an organization's name
  • If an acronym is used in the citation, order the citations in the Reference list by the full name of the organization, not the acronym.

[ALS] Advanced Life Support Group. 2001.

Editor(s) Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name, editor. Year. Story J, editor. 2005.
Unknown Author Title of work. Edition, if provided. Year of publication.

The encyclopedia dictionary of psychology. 3rd ed. 1998.

*Rule: If no identifiable author or editor can be located, the citation begins with the title of the work. 

Multiple works by the Same Author
  • Organize multiple works by the same Author in the Reference list by date of publication, from earliest to latest. 
  • If the sequence cannot be determined, place in alphabetical order by article title.
  • If two or more works have been published in the same year, add an alphabetical designation to the publication year, from earliest to latest.

Mardis LA. 2013a. Effects of temperature on corn hardiness.

Mardis LA. 2013b. Effects of precipitation on corn hardiness.



Reference page citation:

Author Last Name Initials of First and Second Name (if provided), Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name. Year. Title of book. Edition, if provided. Place of Publication (State or Province): Publisher's name.


Levine RC. 2017. DNA under the microscope: a detailed look at the complexities of biotechnology. New York  (NY): Bartlett and Jones.

See Authors: End References for details on proper formatting rules based on the number of author's.

Reference page citation:

Editor's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name (if provided), editor. Year. Title of book. Edition, if provided. Place of Publication (State or Province): Publisher's name.


Cavendish BD, editor. 2019.  Science versus religion: the dilemma of scientific proof over spiritual beliefs in a secular society.   3rd ed. Louisiana (NO): Regent Press.

See Authors: End References for details on proper formatting rules based on the number of author's.

Reference page citation:

Chapter Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name (if provided), Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name. Year. Title of chapter. In: Editor's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name, Second Editor's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name, editors. Title of book. Edition, if provided. Place of Publication (State or Province): Publisher's name. page(s) of chapter.


Dube OP, Sekhwela BM. 2018. Indigenous knowledge, institutions and practices for coping with variable climate in the Limpopo Basis of Botswana. In: Leary N, Adejuwon J. Barros V, Kulkarni J, editors. Climate change and adaptation. London: Earthscan. p. 71-89.


If the work does not have editor(s), omit the names after "In:" and continue with the title of the book.

See Authors: End References for details on proper formatting rules based on the number of author's.

Reference page citation:

Author Last Name Initials of First and Second Name (if provided), Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name. Year. Title of Text book. Edition, if provided. Place of Publication (State or Province): Publisher's name.


Sherman M, Rand JC, Tontonoz AS, Sinha G. 2015. Determining birth defects in the prenatal phase: ethical issues. 2nd ed.  London (ON): University Press.

See Authors: End References for details on proper formatting rules based on the number of author's.

Reference page citation:

Author Last Name Initials of First and Second Name (if provided), Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name. Year. Title of Lab manual. Edition, if provided. Place of Publication (State or Province): Publisher's name.

or if not author is identified.....

Title of lab manual. Publisher. Year of publication.


Bowling K, Paget J, Fraught T. 2016. General Biology lab manual. 6th ed. Toronto (ON): Academic Press.

See Authors: End References for details on proper formatting rules based on the number of author's.

  • Very similar to books, except for their authorship and sponsorship
    • Both the sponsoring (funding) organization and the performing (authoring) organization need to be identified
  • Issued primarily by government agencies, academic and or research institutions

1. Written and published by the Sponsoring organization: 

Reference page citation:

Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name. Date. Title of report. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher. Report No.: Notes, such as location or website URL. 


Feller BA. 1981. Health characteristics of persons with chronic activity limitation, United States, 1979. Hyattsville (MD): National Center for Health Statistics (US). Report No. VHS-SER-10/137. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB88-228622.

2. Written by the Performing organization and published by the Sponsoring organization:

Reference page citation:

Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name (performing organization name and address). Date. Title of report. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher. Report No.: Contract No.: Grant No.: Notes, such as location or website URL. 


Cooper LN (Department of Physics, Brown University, Providence RI). 1990. Theoretical and experiential research into biological mechanisms underlying learning and memory. Final progress report 1 Aug 88-31 July 89. Washington (DC): Air Force Office of Scientific Research (US). Report No. AFOSR-TR-90-0672. Contract No. AFOSR-88-0288; 2305:B4. Available from : NTIS, Springfield, VA; AD-A223615.

3. Written and published by the Performing organization for a Sponsoring organization:

Reference page citation:

Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name. Date. Title of report. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher. Report No.: Contract No.: Grant No.: Notes, such as location or website URL. 


Moray NP, Huey BM. 1988. Human factors research and nuclear safety. Washington (DC): National Academy Press. Contract No. NRC-04-86-301. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB89-175517. Sponsored by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

See Authors: End References for details on proper formatting rules based on the number of author's.

Reference page citation:

Author Last Name Initials of First and Second Name (if provided), Author's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name. Year. Title of book. Edition, if provided. Place of Publication (State or Province): Publisher's name. [accessed Date]. URL.


Warton D. 2015. Biosynthesis for children: absorption of nutrients and minerals in plants growing in the Arctic.   Louisiana (NO): Elsevier; [accessed July 25, 2018].,ip,uid&db=nlebk&AN=1001378&site=ehost-live&scope=site.

See Authors: End References for details on proper formatting rules based on the number of author's.

Reference page citation:

Editor's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name (if provided),editor. Year. Title of book. Edition, if provided. Place of Publication (State or Province): Publisher's name. [accessed Date]. URL.


Riston TD. 2012. Stem cells, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Hackensack (NJ): World Scientific; [accessed July 25, 2018].,ip,uid&db=nlebk&AN=1001378&site=ehost-live&scope=site.

See Authors: End References for details on proper formatting rules based on the number of author's.

Article: Journal, Magazine, Newspaper

1. Print

Reference List:

Author Last Name Initials for First and Second Name. Year of publication. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title or full journal title. Volume number (issue number): Page number range.


Mano D, de Luca TS, Zanadoula YW, Gnough UT. 2017. Functional screening of breast cancer amongst young women in rural Africa.  BMJ Evid Based Med. 453(18): 345-361.

2. Online with DOI

Reference List:

Author Last Name Initials for First and Second Name. Year of publication. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title or full journal title. [accessed date]; Volume number (issue number): Page number range. DOI.


Keith T,  Taki GM. 2014. Human stem cells: metabolic requirements for maintenance of self-renewal response rates. Nat Rev Nol Cell Biol. [accessed 2015 Sept 22]; 15(5): 1125-1134. doi: 10.1038/nrmcb3554.

3. Online without DOI

Reference List:

Author Last Name Initials for First and Second Name. Year of publication. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title or full journal title. [accessed date]; Volume number (issue number): Page number range. URL.


Candy J, Yin ST, Zheng FY, Zhu CE, Son, OP. 2016. Cloning and sequence analysis of the full-length genome of Japanese encephalitis virus. Biomed. Res. [accessed 2018 Nov 11]; 27(10): 4525-4241.

Search the NLM Catalog to locate acceptable Journal abbreviations.

See Authors: End References for details on formatting rules.

1. Print

Reference List:

Author Last Name Initials for First and Second Name. Year and Month of publication. Title of article. Mazagine title. Volume number (issue number): Page number range.


Charles B. 2019. Snake thieves: Poachers push Missouri's wild reptiles closer to the edge of extinction. Missouri Conservationist: 80(4): 25-26.

2. Online

Reference List:

Author Last Name Initials for First and Second Name. Date of publication. Title of article. Magazine title. [accessed date];  Volume number (issue number): Page number range. URL.


Charles B. 2019 Apr. Snake thieves: Poachers push Missouri's wild reptiles closer to the edge of extinction. Missouri Conservationist. [accessed 2019 Apr. 15]; 17-19.

See Authors: End References for details on formatting rules.

1. Print

Reference List:

Author Last Name Initials for First and Second Name. Date of Publication. Title of article. Newspaper title(edition). Section: beginning page of article (column no.).


King MP. 2000 Aug 8. Razing of contaminated building approved by EPA. Washington Post (Home Ed.). Sect. D:4 (col. 1).

2. Online

Reference List:

Author Last Name Initials for First and Second Name. Date of Publication. Title of article. Newspaper title(edition). [accessed date]. URL.


Mele C. 2016 Apr 5. Wait, what's that sound? Spring wildlife sounds of nature in the county. New York Times. [accessed 2017 Jun 18].

3. No Author

Reference List:

Article title. Year of publication. Title of Newspaper; Section: beginning page of article (column no.).


Father and son arrested in beating. 2019 Jan 21. Kamloops Daily News; Sect A:5.

See Authors: End References for details on formatting rules.

Web Resources

Reference page citations:

1. Citing a complete website:

Title of Homepage. Date of publication. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; [date updated; date accessed]. URL.


APSnet: planet pathology online. c1994-2005. St. Paul (MN): American Phytopathological Association; [accessed 2005 Jun 20].


2. Citing a section or portion from a website with an Author (see Notes below):

Author(s) Last Name Initials of First and Second Name(s). Date(s) of portion: date of publication. Title of section or portion of website.    [accessed date]; [Extent of the portion ie. lines, paragraphs, screens]. URL.


Jones ID. 2019 Sept 18. Bacteriology practices in home care. [accessed 2019 Oct 11]; [2 paragraphs].


3. Citing a section or portion from a  website with no Author (see Notes below):

Title of Homepage. Title of section or portion of website. Date(s) of portion: date of publication. [accessed date]; [Extent of the portion ie. lines, paragraphs, screens]. URL.


APSnet: planet pathology online. Bacteriology practices in home care; 2019 Sept 18  [accessed 2019 Oct 11]; [2 paragraphs].


  • If no date of publication can be determined, use a copyright date, include "c" before the date.
  • If an organization appears to serve as an author, list the organization as the author.
  • If the website title is not obvious, construct one using the first series of words on the screen.
  • In addition to original publication dates, citations for web sources should also include the most recent revision date and the accession date  of the material
  • When citing a portion or section of a website, use the Author(s) of the section if provided; if there is no author identified, use the author of the website.

Reference page citation:

Narrator's name. Initial air date. Podcast/webcast title [descriptive word, episode number (if available)]. Podcast/Webcast show title. [Date accessed]; length. URL.


Goldman A. Vogt PJ. 2016 Feb 25. Zardulu [podcast, episode 56]. Reply All. Gimlet Media. [accessed 2016 Jul5]; 51:39 minutes.

Reference page citation:

Video title [descriptive word, episode number (if available)]. Initial air date. Program title. Producer. [Date accessed]; length. URL.


Sharks among us [video]. 2016 Jun 26. Shark Week. Discovery Channel. [accessed 2016 Jul 5]; 41:50 minutes.


Reference page citation:

Blog post title [descriptive word]. Posting Date. Blog title. [Date accessed]. URL.


Stuffed [blog]. 2016 Apr 1. Becky's Book Reviews. [accessed 2016 Jul 5].


Reference page citation:

Username (or group/page name). Initial posting date and time (if available). Network name [word describing page type, post type]; [Access date]. URL.


@BatesLibrary. 2016 Jun 29, 6:34 p.m. Twitter [Tweet, retweet from @BatesCollege]; [accessed 2016 Jul 6].

Images, Tables and Graphs, Maps

Parts of a Book, Journal Article, etc. :

Images, charts, tables, maps or graphs found as part of a larger work such as a book or article may be created by the authors or  is a contribution to the work. Each are treated differently when citing.

1. Created by the authors:

Author(s). Date. Book title. Edition. Place of publication: publisher. Part number. Part title; Page range. Notes.


Kemmerer DL. 2015. Cognitive neuroscience of language. 1st ed. New York (NY): Psychology Press. Figure 8.3. The retina stringently filters what we read; p.2017.

2. Contribution from another author:

Author(s) of the contribution. Number of the contribution. Title of the contribution. In: Author(s) of Book.  Date. Book title. Edition. Place of publication: publisher. Page range. Notes.


Hazeltine WA. Table 13.2. AIDS in Africa: 1990 - 2020. In: Braunwald E, Petersdorf RG, editors. Harrison's principles of infectious diseases in Africa. 15th ed. New York (NY): McGraw-Hill; p. 255.


Figure or Table from an Online Article

Author(s). Date. Title of Article. Title of Online Publication. [accessed date]; Volume (issue): Pages of article. Title of Figure; Page of Figure . URL or DOI of Article.


Greaves S. 2003. Zap-ping T-cell activation. Nat Cell Biol [accessed 2004 Mar 17]; 5(13). Figure 1, CD8-positive T cells incubated with antigen-producing cells; p.13.


Image retrieved from the Internet

The CSE manual is not very clear on how to cite images.  Images should only be cited directly under the image in your paper.



Source: Binoculars typically used in bird watching [Internet]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Commons; c2009 [updated 2009 Mar 30; cited 2018 Nov 22]. Available from:



Reference page citation:

Single work (not part of a book or other source):

Author name(s), cartographer(s). Date. Title of map [map type]. Place of publication: publisher. Physical description. Notes.


Doyon R., Donovan T.J, cartographers. 1992. AIDS in Massachusetts, 1985-1991 [demographic map]. Amherst (MA): University of Massachusetts, Department of Geology & Geography.


Map published in a book or other as part of larger source:

  • If the map was included as a part of a book or other source (article, website, etc.), use the formatting style for Images, Tables & Graphs.

Other Sources

Reference page citation:

Author Last Name Initials of First and Second Name. Date. Title of dissertation or thesis [content designator]. Place of publication: publisher. URL if required.


Cathcart H. 2015. Acidification of Lakes in Northern Saskatchewan: An Assessment of Sensitivity and Risk from Acidic Deposition [master's thesis]. Peterborough (ON): Trent University.


  • When referencing a Dissertation, replace "master's thesis" with "dissertation" in the square brackets.
  • If the Conference Paper was accessed online, include the following information at the end of the reference:

[date accessed]. URL.


See Website example.


Reference page citation:

Lecturer's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name, lecturer. Date of Lecture. Title of lecture [lecture]. Place of Publication: Location of Lecture.


Schindler DG, lecturer. 2010 Mar 23. The ebb and flow of science and communication: from detergents to tar sands [lecture]. Peterborough (ON): Trent University.

Reference page citation:

Author Last Name Initials of First and Second Name of paper. Date. Title of paper. In: Editor's Last Name Initials of First and Second Name. Title of book. Number and name of conference; date of conference; place of conference. Place of publication: publisher. Location.


Bruce MB. 2009. Radiation chemistry in solvent extraction systems. In: American Nuclear Energy. Nuclear Power: crafting energy solutions; 2009 Nov 15-19; Washington DC. Washington (DC): American Nuclear Society.

  • If the Conference Paper was accessed online, include the following information at the end of the reference:

[date accessed]. URL.


See Website example.

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