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Archives : Art Collection

Our Art Collection

In the 1970s and 80s Colleges across Ontario received funding for the purchase of art by Canadian Artists. Since that time works have been added to the collection by various departmental purchases over the years. Fleming College's Art Collection currently consists of over 120 original artworks at the Sutherland, Frost and Haliburton campuses.

Arists in the Collection

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From the Collection

The Art Work of Bill Mason

William "Bill" Bill Mason's On Edge of Pond PaintingClifford Mason (1929-1988), better known to many as Bill Mason, was a Canadian naturalist, with a vast creative career as a commercial artist, animator, filmmaker, author and painter. An avid canoeist Bill much of his adult life sharing his love of canoeing and the Canadian wilderness with others.

Bill would line up various colours of oil paint on a glass palette for the day. Using a small palette knife he would mix about five shades of colours. He would then take each mixed colour and pile them carefully one on top of the other. Lifting the large blob of layered paint from the glass he then scraped it across the surface of his smooth paper once. For the next stroke he would start his mixing process all over again preparing for the next application to the paper. Bill favoured the freestyle he was able to achieve in smaller paintings resulting in some of his best paintings ranging in size from 1” square to 6” square.

For more information about Bill’s work and the Mason Family’s creative talents visit

This is just one of the many works within the College's Art Collection.

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