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Copyright Fact

Your work as a student is covered by Canadian Copyright Law. In Canada, copyright automatically exists for any original work you create.

However, exceptions may exist in the case of work produced for internships, placements or applied projects depending on the agreement between you, the College and the employer/client. Make sure you have the right to share your work before you post it.

ePortfolio Help

What is an ePortfolio?

What is an ePortfolio? An ePortfolio is a personally curated collection of information and digital artifacts that demonstrate your development. It provides evidence of having met course/program learning outcomes, skills and competencies while showcasing your work.

What is an Artifact? An artifact can be a paper, a problem set, multimedia, digital photos etc.

What is "folio thinking"? "Folio thinking" promotes self-awareness, motivation, and direction and provides invaluable support to individuals in academic, professional, and social settings.

What is reflection? Reflection is thinking that enables self-awareness, personal and professional growth and improved teaching and learning experiences.

What to Include

Digital artifacts should demonstrate your abilities, skills, experience and your learning path. Some items that you may want to consider including are outlined below. Additional information is provided under "Content Types" on working with various types of documents.

ePortfolio Artifact Examples

Highlight Area Examples of Artifacts
Academic Experience

Artwork, designs, blueprints, renderings, models

Essays, papers, posters

Recorded presentations

Video or audio projects

Graded assignments

Skills or Awards

Co-curricular record at Fleming

Certificates or awards

Newspaper Articles

Videos demonstrating your skills

Work, Leadership or Volunteer Experience

Flyers or brochures

Leadership or service philosophy

Collaborative or Individual Projects

Evaluations from placements or volunteer positions

How you share this material you choose to share is what will make your ePortfolio unique and engaging, while providing you opportunity to reflect on your learning, achievements and future goals.

ePortfolio Platforms

A major step in creating your ePortfolio is selecting an online platform. If a platform is not specified by your program/course, then it is important to select one that matches your needs, goals and comfort level. Here is a list of platforms and related resources to help you get started:

Platform Highlights How To Links Example Sites
Table of ePortfolio platform options
WordPress Easy to use, page editor similar feel to a word processor. Many fonts and templates, generic formatting. 3GB of storage without purchase and a gallery feature of documents previously uploaded. Extensive support forum and support can also be found through video tutorials in Built in ability for different levels of privacy including free password protection. Creating an ePortfolio using WordPress by Matthew Mobbs

Helen Barrett

Holly Justice

Google Sites Page editor has simple interface, some tools are difficult to locate and it is less customizable than other platforms. 100MB of storage without purchase. Large FAQ and support forum but no live/personalized support available. Built in ability for different levels of privacy including free password protection.    
Weebly Drag and drop interface. Many fonts and templates but interface lacks flexibility. Unlimited storage for free, but documents must be reloaded each time. On-hands support team and forum interface, along with step-by-step walk through during website creation. Built in ability for different levels of privacy.

Creating ePortfolios using Weebly 4 Classroom 20 by Valerie Burton

ePortfolio Using Weebly - YouTube Video by vrjones1


This professional networking site is an easy to use online CV tool. Within this you have the ability to provide more written information about your jobs, education and other related experiences. Using their Professional Portfolio tool you can add images, videos, presentations, PDFs, writing sampls and links to other webpages or blogs.


Drag and drop interface. Dozens of fonts, hundreds of templates and a large color spectrum. 500 MB storage without purchase and offers gallery view of personal documents. Large FAQs section for support along with interactive video tutorials. Built in ability for different levels of privacy including free password protection.

  Samantha Hamilton
Carbonmade Simple interface with a small number of themes to use (for free). Not a lot of customization but works well for visual objects or artistic endeavors. Free account allows for up to 5 project pages with a total of 35 objects.   Claudia Corrent, Photographer
Portfoliobox Free subscription includes hosting 50 images, 10 products and up to 10 pages. Video tutorial Andrea Burgay
SquareSpace This is not a free platform.    

Cloud Storage

"Cloud Storage" allows you to store multiple types of media objects online. By using cloud storage you can easily share content that you have created with others and link to the content from various points online.

It may become useful to store some or all of your content to the cloud. These sites may provide you with the storage you require:

Working with Documents

Whether you use Word documents, Excel spreadsheets or PowerPoint presentations, it is important to protect your personal documents online. Many software packages provide you with the ability to "lock" files to prevent changes being made by someone else, but you can also use converters to convert your files into PDFs (Printable Document Format) that also help to ensure your documents will be printed as you intended.

Here are some helpful links:

Working with Images

Canadian Copyright allows for the use of works that are publicly available on the Internet, because of this you may use online content, like images, in your documents, videos and/or presentations provided you give acknowledgement to the source and content creator.

You must also be sure that the work if not protected by a technological protection measure (password protected access) or is accompanied by a clearly visible copyright notice that prohibits its use. In some cases an image may be posted without the consent of the copyright owner, in which case it should not be used unless you can identify the copyright owner.

To assist in finding images you can use, try some of the tips below:

Google's Advanced Image Search takes some of the guess work out of your image searches. Simply enter your keywords and choose 'free to use and share'from the usage rights menu. This will pre-select images that you can use for educational and non-commercial purposes - provided you acknowledge the source and creator (cite).

If you find an image on the internet that you really want to use, you can use either of the following sites to do a 'Reverse Look-up' of the image to ensure that it is complaint with copyright requirements.

Working with Videos

Creating Video Content Online

There are 100's of sites that you can use to create and curate your own video content; these are some that have been recommended and are free to use:

Creating Video Content at Home

Did you know that YouTube generates automatic captions for videos you upload? While the tech is impressive, it's far from perfect!

Always remember to edit your auto-captions to increase clarity, improve viewers’ comprehension, and provide equitable access.

Social Networks

Take your ePortfolio viral by linking your social media accounts

NOTE: There are dangers when linking your personal social media accounts to an ePortfolio. Read some of these articles to see how to do it the right way.


Personalizing your ePortfolio and how you use it is key to your success in the future. Here are some cool tools and sites that can help you explore and expand your ePortfolio:

Tool / Website Information on the tool and how to use it effectively

Connect with the world through this virtual business card that creates a single point of entry into the world of you - providing viewers with access to any/all of your online content.


As an alternative to a slideshow, create a presentation that zooms into objects you arrange in a 3D-like environment.

QRcode Generator Create your own QRcode to place on your business card or promotional material to send viewers to your ePortfolio or online resume.
PiktoChart Create infographic designs and presentations easily. Mobile apps available.
Canva Easily create presentations and social media graphics with easy to use drop and drag software.
Timeline.js by Knightlab Easy to make time lines, show your work through time or use this simple online app to dazzle teachers during your presentation.

Reflective Writing

Reflective writing is:

  • your response to experiences, opinions, events or new information

  • your response to thoughts and feelings

  • a way of thinking to explore your learning

  • an opportunity to gain self-knowledge

  • a way to achieve clarity and better understanding of what you are learning

  • a chance to develop and reinforce writing skills

  • a way of making meaning out of what you study

Reflective writing is not:

  • just conveying information, instruction or argument
  • pure description, though there may be descriptive elements
  • straightforward decision or judgement (e.g. about whether something is right or wrong, good or bad)
  • simple problem-solving
  • a summary of course notes
  • a standard university essay

Reflective writing helps you develop and clarify the connections:

  • between what you already know and what you are learning
  • between theory and practice
  • between what you are doing and how and why you do it.

To examine your learning processes - not only WHAT you've learned, but HOW you learned it.

To clarify what you are learning:

  • clarify what you have studied
  • integrate new knowledge with previous knowledge
  • identify the questions you have
  • identify what you have yet to learn.

To reflect on mistakes and successes

To become an active and aware learner

To become a reflective practitioner once you graduate and begin your professional life

Your perceptions of the course and the content.

Experiences, ideas and observations you have had, and how they relate to the course or topic.

What you found confusing, inspiring, difficult, interesting and why.

Questions you have

How you:

  • solved a problem;
  • reached a conclusion;
  • found an answer;
  • reached a point of understanding.

Possibilities, speculations, hypotheses or solutions.

Alternative interpretations or different perspectives on what you have read or done in your course.

Comparisons and connections between what your are learning and:

  • your prior knowledge and experience;
  • your prior assumptions and preconceptions;
  • what you know from other courses or disciplines.

How new ideas challenge what you already know.

What you need to explore next in terms of thoughts and actions.

(Reflective Writing Guide, UNSW Australia)

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