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Therapeutic Health: Home

Therapeutic Health

This guide focuses on research and resources for the Massage Therapy, Occupational Therapy Assistant, and Physiotherapy Assistant programs.

Research Hub

Research Hub

Visit the Research module in The Learning Portal to learn about research, copyright, academic honesty, and citation, and to access virtual research help.

Watch the intro to the Research hub.

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Study Skills

Study Skills

Visit the Study Skills hub in The Learning Portal to learn about time management, studying & test-taking, stress management, group work, and to access virtual research help.

Watch the intro to the Study Skills hub.

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Featured Collection

Mental health concepts and techniques for the occupational therapy assistant
Soft tissue and trigger point release: hands-on guides for therapists
Trigger point therapy for knee, leg, ankle and foot pain
Practical prescribing for musculoskeletal practitioners
Leading & managing occupational therapy services: an evidence-based approach
Rehabilitation medicine quick reference: Traumatic brain injury
Tuxenmethod Vacuum & Decompression Therapy

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QM 23.2 - 569 Human anatomy
QP 34 - 41 Human Physiology
R Medicine and Health Sciences
R 733 - 735 Complementary and Alternative Medicine
RA 780.5 Massage (personal use, relaxation, "how to")
RC 735 - 953.8 Physical therapy, Occupational Therapy
RC 1226 Massage (Athletics & Sports)
RD 732 - 736 Orthopedic assessment & massage
RM 719 - 727 Massage
RM 600 - 999 Rehabilitative Therapies

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