Author's Last Name, First Middle or Initial , |
"Title of Article", | Newspaper, | edition |
(date of publication) |
pages. |
Your citation should look like:
Brozan, Nadine, “Where Home is a Real Sanctuary”, New York Times, (16 June 2002), D11+.
“Cold Weather Chills Home Building in Many States”, Wall Street Journal, eastern ed., (14 Feb. 2002), B17.
“Home Building was Off in April”, New York Times, (17 Apr. 2002), C14.
Author's Last Name, First Middle or Initial, | "Title of Article", | Newspaper, |
(date of publication), |
pages. |
online: Name of database, | <URL or DOI number>. |
Your citation should look like:
Dockery, Paula, “Fracking could Become a Disaster Here in Florida”, South Florida Sun-Sentinel [Fort Lauderdale], (16 June 2002), D11+. online: ProQuest Newsstand, <>.
Lang, Marissa, "Same-Sex Couples Shatter Marriage Records in Utah", The Salt Lake Tribune, (27 Dec. 2013), State News. online: LexisNexis Academic, <,270077,11059,8411&hl=t&hv=t&hnsd=f&hns=t&hgn=t&oc=00240&perma=true>.
Author's Last Name, First Middle or Initial, | "Title of Article", | Newspaper, |
(date of online publication), |
online: <URL>. |
Your citation should look like:
Shukamn, David, “What is Fracking and Why is it Controversial?”, BBC News, (16 Dec. 2015), online: <>.
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