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Knowledge Base

Do you have my textbook?

The Library does not purchase course textbooks. Your instructor may choose to put course readings on Reserve. Ask at the Library Service Desk to see if some of your books are on Reserve. You will need the course code OR book title OR instructor's full name. Reserve items are for in-Library use only, and have short loan periods (2-4 hours)

Why isn't it quiet?

  • The Library strives to accommodate all learning styles and study needs. The volume of assigned group work at the college level, and students' preference for group study practices, combined with a finite amount of student space on campus means that the Library is often buzzing with the hum of conversation. We do not allow open audio.

  • We ask for your cooperation in the following ways: If you are working in the Library with a group, please keep your volume down. If your group needs to be a bit louder (eg. rehearsing a presentation), please book a Group Study Room. If you want a quiet place to work individually, please take advantage of the Silent Study Rooms.

How do I access resources at home?

If you are already logged into the Fleming myCampus Portal, you can directly access the Library's database resources.

If you are not logged into the Portal when you try to use the databases, you will see a login screen; enter your Fleming portal login to access.  

If you have any issues connecting to the databases from off-campus, please contact the library via askON or email: Please include your student number in your email.

Please note:  Database access is not available for Alumni, Community or Reciprocal Borrowers due to vendor license restrictions.

How do I renew my book?

Are you wanting to log in to the Library's catalogue to renew materials? Go to the Discovery search page and log into your account. You can find the link in the top right corner. 

Sign In

Fleming College uses Single Sign On (SSO), so make sure to sign in with your Fleming email address.

Once you are logged in, you can go to your account > My Loans. From there you can renew your items.

My Loans

Can't Renew Items?

1. You may have hit your renewal limit. Items may be renewed a maximum of 2 times.

2. It may be too early for you to renew your items. You can renew your items 7 days before your loan is due.

2. Someone may have placed a hold on the item. In this case, someone else is waiting to use this material, and the system will not allow you to renew. 

My Login isn't Working

If you are trying to access your account within 10 days of the start of the semester, your account might not currently be set up. Check again after the 10 day mark, and contact the library if your issue persists.

Still having issues? Please contact the library for further assistance at

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