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Accessibility Services: Home


Fleming College Library is committed to providing library services and resources for all students, faculty, staff, and community members at the college.

Where accessibility to services is challenged, we will strive to accomodate users of differing abilities to examine resources, retrieve materials, and access services.


Reference Assistance

Reference staff at the Library can help you with your research, including using the catalogue, selecting search terms, devising search strategies, choosing databases, using the Internet, and aiding you in finding the answers to your research questions.

The reference staff are available by email at


Print Books through the Accessible Content E-Portal

The Accessible Content E-Portal (ACE) contains alternative formats to the print book collections of participating Ontario college and university libraries. Users at Fleming are given access to the digitized titles which are part of our book collection (textbooks not included).

If you require access to our print materials in an alternate format, please contact, and we can set you up with a login to our the E-Portal.

Video Collection

Contact and we can arrange to have an accessible copy available to you. Please allow three weeks for the library to secure a described copy of the film, a closed-captioned copy of the film, or to provide a transcription.

Library Databases

The Library strives to offer all of our materials in an accessible or conversion-ready format. We are currently in the process of evaluating our databases to ensure they are easily navigated and material can be accessed by all users without barriers. To do so, Fleming Library is working in partnership with other college libraries through LEAP (Library Eresources Accessibility Portal). LEAP is a self-audit tool that allows staff to evaluate the accessibility of our electronic resources, as well as aids Library staff in offering user support. If you are not able to access a resource in our Library databases or would like guidance on how to use assistive technology with our resources, please contact Rebecca King at (705) 324-9144 extension 3242, or through email at


Physical Accessibility

All campus locations are equipped with either elevator or ramp access, with accessible-height group study tables, and accessible washrooms. 

Adaptive Technology

The Library provides students with adaptive technology to help access materials. Adaptive technology can aid users with reading print material, such as screen-readers or projectors which can magnify the print in books. A number of our databases also offer articles in MP3 format. Please see staff for more information on adaptive technology.

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