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Concept - Skills & Strategies: Your Study Space

Setting Up Your Study Space

Preparing and creating a comfortable study space is important to helping you stay motivated and focused for learning online. To create a comfortable space use these strategies:

  • Attempt to find a space away from others you’re quarantined with
  • Keep only materials needed for learning with you, avoid clutter
  • If you have a desk available use this to do work (avoid working on your bed)
  • Ensure you have effective lighting in your space and a comfortable chair to sit


Thanks to Sheridan Library & Learning Services

undefinedReducing Distractions

Another important strategy for setting up a study space is to reduce your distractions so you can maintain concentration on the task at hand.

  1. Turn off the news! Have a scheduled time to get updates on COVID-19
  2. Use blockers to help with reducing distractions on your computer/laptop
  3. If you are distracted by your phone, put it in a different room or hide it
  4. Turn the sound and notifications off on your phone
  5. Listen to music or a podcast to help you focus if you prefer ‘background noise’
  6. Try yoga postures - focusing: mountain, warrior or balancing: tree, eagle
  7. Practice mindful breathing: IN (1-2-3-4) HOLD (1-2-3-4), OUT (1-2-3-4)
  8. Use a timer


Thanks to Sheridan Library & Learning Services.

Staying Motivated

Staying motivated as a student, whether in-person or online, can be challenge for all students.  When you're learning online, it's even more important to build in structure to your day and use other helpful tools to help keep you motivated to get at and stay at your work. 

Staying motivated involves many factors including setting goals, building structure in your day, dealing with stressors, being resilient when setback and fighting the urge to procrastinate.   See link below for more great information!

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